repair & restoration

rug renewal: understorey's eco-friendly cleaning and restoration services

Hand-knotted rugs are valuable heirlooms that need special care. Here’s a streamlined guide to keep your rug looking new for years. Follow these tips to extend your rug’s lifespan and maintain its beauty.

initial assessment

Each rug is carefully inspected to tailor the cleaning process, considering its fabric and overall condition.


We utilize specialized cleaning solutions designed to do more than just remove dirt and stains. These solutions are carefully formulated to preserve the structural integrity of your rug's weave, ensuring that the fibers remain strong and the patterns vibrant. This dual-action approach not only cleans your rug but also prolongs its lifespan, maintaining its original beauty and craftsmanship. 

customized treatments

We offer specialized services to meet your rug's unique needs, from resizing to pet stain removal and mold elimination.

fire damage recovery

Should your rug suffer from fire or smoke damage, our expert artisans are here to restore its beauty and structure.

all-inclusive repairs

Our skilled team can handle everything from reweaving to binding, focusing on both the rug's appearance and durability.

If your rug needs some TLC, we're here to help

Fill out our Rug Restoration Form to get started on bringing your cherished rug back to life.